Show your Runnin’ Bulldog Pride!
Your ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ favorites are now available for you to Show your Runnin’ Bulldog Pride!
³ÉÈËÊÓƵ has transitioned to learning, teaching and working remotely, and many of us are using tools like Zoom for meetings and online collaboration.
Check out the categories below, and use the images to spruce up your desktop, video conferencing backgrounds or even your social media pages.
Logo on grey background
Logo on red background
GW image collage with Ignite tagline
GWU Stickers
Digital Dorm Room
Roebuck in the library
Roebuck with his laptop
Roebuck collage
Lake Hollifield
Lake Hollifield with Football Stadium
Health and Sciences
Dover Chapel
Dover Chapel from below
Bell Tower
Bulldog Nation Hammrick
Boiling Spring
GWU Archway
Tucker Student Center at sunset
Belltower through pink blooms
Purple flower
Pink flower
Rose garden
Ignite Your Faith banner
Tree with changing leaves
Swing with changing leaves
Ignite Your Faith banner with red leaves
Dover Campus Center with lighted trees
Roebuck statue with Santa hat
Aurora statue with Santa hat
Lake Hollifield with snow
Dover Chapel with snow
Roebuck tree ornament
Lake Hollifield with lights